These methods are all tools to re-program your old unconscious beliefs. These beliefs were created in the past to keep you safe, but some are no longer working to your benefit and are undermining your conscious efforts.
Together, we partly recreate your unconscious program in a way that supports you and your current goals. This sounds much more difficult than it is. Neuro-programming is a relatively fast, and a safe and effective method.
A memory of an experience has become a story in your head, as the past has already happened. Stories are partly stored in your conscious and in your unconscious mind, which is very suggestible. Your unconscious mind replaces a story with a better story when we ask it several specific questions. Your unconscious mind re-writes this story in a couple of steps, and this has a positive effect on emotions and beliefs that were linked to the old memory/story. This doesn’t mean that you forget the old story, but the emotions and beliefs that are connected to this old memory are automatically released and will no longer bother you or hold you back.
Meanwhile, we firmly anchor your new, supportive beliefs in your unconscious mind.
Changing undermining beliefs that you are not even aware of and reinforcing new beliefs create internal shifts, resulting in external shifts, causing changes for the better on every level; happiness, health, relationships and prosperity.
The definition of the Law of Attraction is that you create what you focus on, consciously as well as unconsciously. What you hold in your conscious mind is based on willpower, which covers about 12% of your mind. The approximate 88% that occupies your unconscious mind generates your reality.
Consequently, it is very important to oversee the thoughts and beliefs you consciously and unconsciously carry within you as they create your reality. The program that you hold in your unconscious mind will overrule your strongest intentions.
Unconsciously created old thoughts and beliefs invite recuring themes into your life, and you unconsciously undermine opportunities without even realizing it. A supportive unconscious program will attract a different reality and create a whole different future.
“Your thoughts are the primary cause of everything. Your thoughts become things.”
Rhonda Byrne